
发布时间:2012-04-26 浏览次数:206

        题目:NMB - A State Institution with Research Mission

        报告人:VOLKER ALTSTÄDT 教授 德国拜罗伊特大学(University of Bayreuth材料学院院长

        时 间:2012年4月27日上午10点

        地 点:材料楼210报告厅 


        【太阳城集团APPP下载】The lecture gives a introduction to the mission and operation of a public research institute in Bavaria called "Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH (NMB)". This institute is focused on the development of new materials and processes. After a brief history, the bussinesplan of the company and especially the cooperation with industiral partersin the local region will be explained. In addition different public funding models offered by the State of Bavaria are explained and some typical examples for succesfull rearch cooporations are presented.

        The company focuses on the development of innovative process technologies in order to manufacture near net-shape metallic and polymer lightweight constructions. Based on high pressure die casting and injection molding especially composites, foamed materials, and hybrid structures are the main topics.

        In the devision of Polymers Injection moulding, foam injection moulding with physical or chemical foaming agents and thermoforming of long-fibre reinforced thermoplastics are manufacturing processes which have - each for itself - a great importance for the manufacturing of extensive moulded parts. They all have in common a high adaptability and cost-effective production. The combination of different processes in one tool leads to the combination of the specific advantages in one finished part. For the field testing of these manufacturing potentials, the technical equipment lab of Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH has installed a press-injection moulding machine. A moulding tool realizes the process combinations and thus enables near-product trials.